Shan't We Tell The Vicar?
Shan't We Tell The Vicar?
Midnight Confession #9: Rasp-utin

Midnight Confession #9: Rasp-utin

New installment in the audio segment in which I share embarrassing thoughts and anecdotes.

Ra-ra-Rasputin! I heard it in a ContraPoints video a few weeks ago and it’s been in my head ever since. How did I not know about this song until now? It’s got everything I love: Russian history! Mysticism! Cheesy ‘70s slang! Awkward sexual metaphors! Disco! “Oh, those Russians…”

My voice is raspy in this one because I, once again, got strep throat! I’m basically Beth in Little Women at this point.

Stuff I Did This Week: Night Vale Presents at the Largo was amazing. I love the Faceless Old Woman so much, and I love what Joseph and Jeffrey have written for her. This was a particularly scary one, and my voice sounding like Mercedes McCambridge as the demon in The Exorcist probably only added to that. (Turns out she was inspired by her bouts with bronchitis!) Thanks to everyone who came!

Shan't We Tell The Vicar?
Shan't We Tell The Vicar?
Thoughts, stories, and titles for imaginary BBC shows from Mara Wilson.