Shan't We Tell The Vicar?
Shan't We Tell The Vicar?
Midnight Confession #17: Why I Haven't Watched Stranger Things Season Three Yet

Midnight Confession #17: Why I Haven't Watched Stranger Things Season Three Yet

Another installment of my audio confessions!

I do realize that no monsters, even just for a while, would make it an entirely different show, but you know what? I like realistic teen dramas. I like when people can find the highs and lows in the everyday. Sure, I love a good monster story, too, but sometimes I just want regular kid stuff, with less peril.

This might just be me, though. When I got to the end of the first Harry Potter book as a twelve-year-old, I read the summary for Chamber of Secrets and initially thought, “Does there have to be an ancient curse? Can’t they just have a normal year at school?” I probably was a very boring twelve-year-old, but isn’t magic school exciting enough on its own?

Probably not. One of the cardinal rules of character-driven writing is you’re supposed to focus on the most interesting thing that ever happened to them. It’s much less interesting for kids to have a normal year at school after they’ve fought monsters. Maybe I should see if there’s an edited version, like very strict Christians and Mormons used to have of R-rated movies? Where they just hang around talking and drinking slurpees and Eleven’s nose only bleeds because she tried to make the Eggos come out of the toaster more quickly?

Stuff I Did This Week: I was honored to give the keynote speech at the International OCD Foundation’s annual conference! The IOCDF has given so much hope to so many people with OCD, as well as their friends and family. Sharing my story with such a warm, welcoming, and understanding crowd was truly a privilege. It was also a lot of fun — I might just have to write a subscribers’ post about some of my favorite moments.

I also listed my favorite (or in this case, “favourite”) podcasts for the CBC’s Podcast Playlist! I listen to so many that they actually had to make ANOTHER list of my other favorites. Ever wondered what I listen to? Here’s your chance to find out!

Fake BBC Show of the Week: You Are a Fishmonger

Shan't We Tell The Vicar?
Shan't We Tell The Vicar?
Thoughts, stories, and titles for imaginary BBC shows from Mara Wilson.